Is There A Problem

It’s fine. Isn’t it?   It’s all fine. My only problem is, that I have a problem. That’s my motto, my credo. I would dishonest to myself if I didn’t say, It always persisted in my the back of my mind. And with it. Is the thought of what, my real problem is. It, is […]

Old Stream of Conscious Note 1

#1 I am warm with fear I sweat a viscous unnameable thing that might closely identify as death.  My jaw painfully locks, which is a slight reprieve from its constant nervous chattering.  The heat from my terrorized brain melts solid ice at a distance. I have been here too long.  The hot fearful beast longs […]

Beast From The Muck

In a deep rich wood exists a pool of blackness. A muck so dark that light cannot penetrate its depth. The sun shining through the dense foliage of the trees only reflects off of the pool making it appear like an ebony gem in the ground. One dawn as the suns light begins to shine […]