Stargazers (or something else more clever) – Dream Notes

Rouge is energetic mouse like anthro creature with horns that is early 20 something. Living with the family, their parents Carmine and Vermilion, an older sibling Umber, and a grandparent Wine. They all live on in a reasonably sized but quaint home on a farm that is tended to by the whole family. Umber being […]

Old Stream of Conscious Note 1

#1 I am warm with fear I sweat a viscous unnameable thing that might closely identify as death.  My jaw painfully locks, which is a slight reprieve from its constant nervous chattering.  The heat from my terrorized brain melts solid ice at a distance. I have been here too long.  The hot fearful beast longs […]


Standing there in a tattered tuxedo holding a weed mascarading as a flower and staring and Elana in a lacy black dress Clint could not help but feel he had some how stepped into a nightmare where he was about to attend a goth prom. Elana walked up to him and took the dirty roots […]