
Aggression does not equal passion, and preference against aggression does not equal cowardice. Aggressors are not correct simply because the base instincts in the human animal finds aggression easy to understand. Non-aggression is just as valid a response to a situation even if it is not always as self validating.


Given the lack of popularity of eudaimonia despite how long it has been around, one may wonder if perhaps that is a testament to how unlikely it is to be achieved.


I am not responsible for, nor do I have the authority or audacity to, others in how they choose to live out this miserable finite existence. All I can do is be mindful of my unique experience and convey my existence in a hopefully thought provoking manner.


Given the inconsistent messy nature of biological reproduction and gene combination, perhaps its best to say only games express classical binary sexes.


A revelation is made no less significant simply because another claims to have already been aware of some similar insight.  The desire for epistemic curiosity should not be limited by the agenda of others.


That lovely feeling of futility and being invalid brought about by the fact that innocuous lifestyles, cultures and opinions are not for you, and likely will continue regardless of your existence.

Is There A Problem

It’s fine. Isn’t it?   It’s all fine. My only problem is, that I have a problem. That’s my motto, my credo. I would dishonest to myself if I didn’t say, It always persisted in my the back of my mind. And with it. Is the thought of what, my real problem is. It, is […]


Despair, Uncertainty, Darkness, Weakness, Nothingness, these are things not to be feared, but rather to be embraced.


What one is born with/as is not the defining feature of an individual human.  The results of metamorphosis through experience is how individuals should be evaluate.


Perhaps the average problem of other minds, is that many have a problem with minds of the other.